In February 2005, education charity Schools OUT founded LGBT+ History Month UK as a dedicated space to celebrate the rich and diverse history of the LGBT+ community. Every February since, the month has become increasingly popular with events held in education settings, public spaces, organisations, and businesses across the UK. Each year, Schools Out set a new theme, choose five LGBT+ historical figures to highlight, and create free resources for people to use. 

February 2025 marks the 20 year anniversary of LGBT+ History Month. We held a special event, in partnership with Schools Out, to mark this anniversary. During the event, we hear how LGBT+ History Month was founded from co-founder and Chair of Schools OUT Sue Sanders; how it has developed and grown over 20 years from Chair of Trustees for Schools OUT Lynne Nicholls; and we explore the theme for 2025 with Schools OUT Project worker Sarah Cosgriff. 

You can catch up on this event as a podcast, or by watching the presentation below.